year 9, Issue 33 And S6 (supplement 6 2010)                   J. Med. Plants 2010, 9(33 And S6): 57-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Teimori M, Montasser Kouhsari S, Ghafarzadegan R, Hajiaghaee R. Study of Hypoglycemic Effect of Juglans regia Leaves and its Mechanism. J. Med. Plants 2010; 9 (33) :57-65
1- Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Tehran
2- Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutics, Institute of Medicinal plants, ACECR, Karaj ,
3- Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutics, Institute of Medicinal plants, ACECR, Karaj
Abstract:   (4959 Views)

Background: Hypoglycemic effect of Juglans regia leaves was reported in other previous researches.

Objective: To investigate the mechanism of hypoglycemic action of Julans regia Leaves Methanolic Extract (JRLME), we designed the following study.

Methods: Male wistar rats were classified in five groups, each of six, including alloxan-induced diabetic rats treated with JRLME at doses of 250 (D+JRLMEa), 500 mg/kg (D+JRLMEb), Acarbose at dose 20 mg/kg (D+Ac), vehicle alone (DC) and normal rats treated with vehicle alone (NC). The Postprandial blood glucose level was examined in a short time (after a single dose treatment) and a long time (after three weeks daily treatment) model. After three weeks of treatment, all groups’ animals were killed to dissect pancreatic and myocardium for RNA extraction and RT-PCR, to assess insulin and glut-4 genes expression, respectively. In addition, other normal rats were killed to extract intestinal brush border membrane for α-glucosidase solution preparation. The effect of JRLMEa on α-glucosidase activity was evaluated by an in vitro method, compared to Acarbose as a reference drug.

Results: The plant extract had a significant hypoglycemic action in both short and long term models. Decrease in PBG level was the most at 8 hour after treatment and more in D+Ac (53%), D+JRLMEa (40%) and D+JRLMEb (29%) versus DC, respectively. There was also permanent PBG reduction in treated groups in comparison with the DC one during long term period.

Conclusion: We did not find change in the insulin and glut-4 genes expression. On the other hand, the in vitro assay of α-glucosidase activity displayed inhibitory action of JRLME, like Acarbose, but less effectively.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pharmacognosy & Pharmaceutics
Received: 2009/10/28 | Accepted: 2010/03/1 | Published: 2010/03/19

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