Journal of Medicinal Plants

Has a Scientific Research license from the Medical Sciences Publications Commission of the Country under Number 13375 dated 2002.11.09

The Journal of Medicinal Plants is published quarterly (English language). This journal contains articles in the fields of basic and clinical sciences related to medicinal plants including pharmacognosy, basic and clinical pharmacology, basic and clinical toxicology, and pharmacology.                
The abstracts of this journal are indexed in the following databases:
Elsevier’s Bibliographic Databases (Scopus, EMBASE, Compendex, Geobase), Chemical Abstracts (CA), DOAJ, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus,  IMEMR,  SID,  ISC and Magiran

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Journal of Medicinal Plants

2024، Volume 23، Number 89

Print ISSN: 2717-204X
Electronic ISSN: 2717-2058

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Reza Ghafarzadegan

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Amirhossein Jamshidi

Executive Manager: Dr. Majid Ghorbani Nohooji

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