year 10, Issue 38 (5-2011)                   J. Med. Plants 2011, 10(38): 49-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Sofiabadi M, Esmaeili M, Haghdost Yazdy H, Azhdari Zarmehri H. The Prenatal Consumption of Aqueous Extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra, Improves Memory Retrieval in Mice. J. Med. Plants 2011; 10 (38) :49-54
1- Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Qazvin University of Medical Science ,
2- Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Qazvin University of Medical Science
Abstract:   (6174 Views)
Background: Glycyrrhiza glabra contain antioxidant and phytoestrogens with cell protective properties. Objective: So its consumption during pregnancy may be effective on the mental features of who birthed. We evaluate the effect of glycyrrhiza glabra consumption during pregnancy on memory retrieval of the second generated mice. Methods: We used 15 females and 6 male mice (NMRI) with 20-30 gr weight. Pregnancy confirmed after coupling with vaginal plaque formation .Then the mice were singly caged and randomly assigned to 3 equal groups: Control, sham (solvent gavage) and treatment group (aqueous extract of glycyrrhiza root with 150 mg oral daily treatment from 3 until 19 day of gestation). Two mounts after birthing, the offspring’s were randomly assigned to 2 male and female groups and introduced to the memory retrieval test with using the shuttle box. The data were analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and Tukey test by using SPSS software. Results: The delay time for entering on the dark room were increased in male mice that exposed to extracts of glycyrrhiza during pregnancy in comparison to control group and it was significant in the period 1 and 2 weeks after training (p <0.05). The Latency for entering on the dark chamber was increased on the female animals that exposed with extract during pregnancy in comparison of the control group. This difference was significant in periods of 24 hours and 2 weeks after training (p <0.01, p <0.05). Conclusion: The prenatal consumptions of aqueous extract of the glycyrrhiza can increase memory retrieval of both sexes.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pharmacology & Toxicology
Received: 2009/11/2 | Accepted: 2010/06/12 | Published: 2011/06/20

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