year 9, Issue 33 (3-2010)                   J. Med. Plants 2010, 9(33): 90-97 | Back to browse issues page

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Niazmand S, Neamati Karimui H, Sparhem M. The Effects of Aqueous - ethanol Extract of Teucrium polium L. on Rabbit’s Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Intraventricular Pressure. J. Med. Plants 2010; 9 (33) :90-97
1- Cardiovascular Research Center and Medical School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences ,
2- Medical School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
3- School of Sciences, Azad University of Mashhad
Abstract:   (19345 Views)
Background: Teucrium podium L. is belong to the Labiatae family which is uesed for medical porpose. There are several reports about the antidiabetic, antispasmodic, antibacterial and blood lipid and pressure lowering properties of Teucrium podium L. Objective: The aim of this study is investigating the effects of aqueous-ethanol extract of arial part of Teucrium polium on rabbit’s mean arteial blood pressure, heart rate and intraventricular pressure in vivo. Methods: Twenty four New Zealand White rabbits weighed (2-3 kg) were randomly divided into four groups. Animals were anesthetized by sodium thiopental (50 mg/kg, ip) and after teracheostomy, jugular vein and carotid artery were cannulated. The extract doses(20, 40 and 80 mg/kg) were injected via jugular vein and blood pressure, heart rate and intraventricular pressure were measured by pressure transducer which was connected to power lab. The data was expressed as Mean±SEM, and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The extract reduced blood pressure but it was not significant. The extract had no effect on heart rate. The extract increased Max dp/dt, maximum left ventricular pressure (LVPmax) and decreased Min dp/dt significantly but had no effect on minimum left ventricular pressure (LVPmin). Conclusion: The results show the extract has a positive inotropic effect on the heart. The extract reduces blood pressure but this effect is counter balance by the inotropic effect of the extract. The extract has no effect on the heart rate.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pharmacology & Toxicology
Received: 2008/08/20 | Accepted: 2009/09/22 | Published: 2010/03/19

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