Key Points in Writing Articles

 | Post date: 2020/08/9 | 
  • Dear authors, paying attention to the following points will accelerate the process of publishing the article in the Journal of Medicinal Plants.
  1. All articles should be prepared in full conformity and compliance with ethics and specific statements in research ethics and have already obtained the Ethics Committee License.
  2. Seeds and plants used must have a seed bank code and a herbarium code from a reputable center. Documentation from the center is required.
  3. For clinical trial studies, it is necessary to mention the registration number in the clinical trial center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (IRCT) or reputable centers for global clinical trial registration such as WHO.
  4. Phytochemical analysis and standardization of products based on phytochemical compounds are required.
  5. Tables should be prepared with real rows and columns and not aligned with tabs, returns, or spaces. Vertical lines should not be included in tables. Horizontal lines should also be used if necessary.
  6. Scientific names (genus and species) should be mentioned throughout the text and references in italic font. The abbreviated name of the scientist who introduces the species is written in regular font and begins with capital letters.
For example Juglans regia L.
  1. There should be no space between the word and the dot (.), comma (,), question mark (?), and parentheses (). After entering the mark, a space must be inserted. The principles of punctuation and page layout must be followed.
  2. Here are some commonly words used in the text:
(pH, P < 0.001, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, P > 0.05)
  1.  When citing the reference, there is no need to mention the author’s name and the year.
  2. It is recommended to use the instructions on the following links for writing a systematic review:
    - Useful resources for learning methodology:
    - Standard reporting for a systematic review:
  3. As regards pharmacological manuscripts, inattention to any of the following items will entail rapid rejection of the manuscript:
  • Herbarium code of the plant in a registered herbarium.
  • Standardization of the extract.
  • Ethics committee code, name of the ethics committee, and date of approval in ethics committee for clinical and animal studies.
  • Registration of clinical trial in a validated site.
  • Dose-response assessment for plant extracts and compounds via administration of at least 3 doses in animal studies.
  • Conduction of clinical trial based on Good Clinical Practice and writing of manuscript of the clinical trial in accordance with CONSORT.
  • Writing of reviews in accordance with the guidelines of PRISMA, ARRIVE, PICO.
  • Writing of manuscript in accordance with principles of scientific writing and high quality of the English language.
       12. How to use the scientific names of plants: The first time which the name of the species is mentioned (in the title, abstract and the main text of the article), you must mention the scientific name of the species in full form (along with the author's name). In the following times, it will be mentioned as an abbreviation.

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